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Frequently Asked Questions
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Asphalt Sealcoating
How can a water based sealer protect my driveway ?
The water is used to mix the solids together, so it's easier to spray. Once applied, the water will evaporate, leaving you with only the solids to create a firm, thick coating. This process cannot be reverted: adding water to the driveway after the sealer has been cured will have no effect.
What are the additives you use in your sealing mix?
We add rubberized and polymer additives to our mix design. The additives provide extra benefits to the final sealing product such as:
-Toughens the sealer, improves tensile strength. (reducing power steering marks, scuffing, and tearing)
-Improves flexibility and adhesion to the existing asphalt (better bond to the asphalt, less cracking of the sealer)
-Improves fuel and chemical resistance
-Increases the sealer viscosity and speeds up the drying time.
When is it safe to have water on the driveway?
The sealer dries from top to bottom, if the top layer is already dry, the water will have no effect on it. On a nice sunny day, the top layer will dry within 1-3 hours. Shady parts of the driveway will take longer to dry.
How long do we wait before parking on our driveway?
24 hours for vehicles, 6-12 hours to walk on it. Depending on the weather. Heavy vehicles or trailers (5,000 pounds +) should stay off for 48 hours.
How soon can a newly paved driveway be seal coated?
We recommend waiting at least 1 full year before applying a sealer to your new asphalt. The liquid asphalt and bitumen products used in the construction of the new asphalt need to oxidize before applying a sealer to it. Usually, when your asphalt turns to a more grey color, it's a good indicator that the asphalt is ready to be sealed. Applying sealer to a newly paved asphalt (black color) will result in the asphalt not curing properly.
When is the best time to seal coat my driveway?
When the temperature is 10 degrees or higher for the next 3 days. This ensures proper curing.
When is a bad time to be seal coating a driveway?
Avoid early spring and late falls as the night temperatures can be lower than 10 degrees.
Avoid sealing when there is rain in the forecast for the next 24hours.
Avoid high windy days.
How long is the sealer good for?
Depending on traffic, and snowplow damage, most residential driveways last for 3-4 years
Please visit this page to see pictures of the sealer after 2-3 years.
Is it better to do 1 coat on my driveway or 2 coats?
For most residential driveways, 1 coat is sufficient. 2 coats is ideal for high traffic areas such as commercial parking lots.
Can the sealer become slippery in the winter or when it rains?
Most driveways have no issues with this, how ever if you driveway is on a slope, it may become more slippery. The sealer we use is very thick, so it fills a lot of the voids and texture that your normal asphalt had, that provided traction. The alternative we have for this is the use of silica sand. Silica sand (quartz) is applied into the sealer, that provides extra traction. Be sure to request this prior to doing a quote or consulting with us.
Do I have to pressure wash my driveway before sealing?
It will depend on the condition of the asphalt, most driveways don't need to be pressure washed.
Driveways that had recently had topsoil, gravel, or any materials delivered on the asphalt will need to be pressure washed. If you had landscapers or other construction workers, or if you live in a newly built neighborhood, you will most likely need to pressure wash your driveway. Please note we have certain high standards for pressure washing. If you were scheduled to get your driveway done but it was not completed, it's because our crew determined your driveway to not be clean enough to be sealed. The job will then be rescheduled to another time.
What affects the price of the sealing?
We charge by square foot at the minimum, then extra fees are applied:
1-The amount of crack sealing work needed:
Small minor cracks are easy to fix, large severe cracks that are full of weeds take longer to repair and cost more material to seal.
2-The amount of prep work needed, how dirty is the existing driveway?
Does the driveway needs lots of cleaning, have you delivered topsoil or gravel on the driveway recently?
Does your driveway need pressure washing?
3- How much detailed work is required?
Do you have grass growing on both sides of your driveway or do you have an interlock walkway on both sides? We can't always use our spray wand to seal, sometimes we have to hand apply the sealer around the interlock, the house, or concrete, which takes more time.